Discover CPRE in your local area
We aspire to an ‘eyes and ears’ network that represent the national CPRE organisation and the local Branch in each local planning authority area, throughout Lancashire, the Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester. This coverage will ensure the vision, values and objectives of CPRE are fulfilled, and the presence of CPRE activity is recognised by the local planning authority (LPA), town and parish councils and the community.

Local volunteers are the eyes and ears of CPRE throughout the 26 districts that make up CPRE Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester.
If you would like to get involved in monitoring planning in your district, why not join us as an eyes and ears volunteer?
There are also opportunities to get involved locally with organising events, fundraising, or attending walks or other events. It’s a great way to meet likeminded people who also care about the countryside or want to improve their local area and ensure that development takes place in the most appropriate, sustainable location.
Contact us for more information. We would love to hear from you.