26th January 2020 – Stargazing at Beacon Fell
Join us and astronomer Robert Ince to learn more about the night sky and the effects of light pollution at our stargazing event at Beacon Fell.
Robert Ince will be your guide taking you on an incredible journey through the constellations and along the Milky Way, while also showing you how to find all sorts of heavenly objects for yourself. He will try and show some of the skies wonders through powerful telescopes and binoculars and will attempt to answer your questions on life, the universe and everything!
We will start with a briefing on CPRE and our campaign on tranquillity and the value of dark skies and our interest in preventing light pollution through sensitive planning and design (avoidance and use of cowls etc) and we will introduce the upcoming star count campaign.
Robert will tell you more about how we need to protect dark skies and show startling images and videos of the objects we hope to see when we go outside, weather permitting. But even if the weather does not co-operate there still will be colourful talks, videos and hands on help with telescopes, together with friendly advice on how to get started in this wonderful hobby.
Wrap up warm – stargazing nights can be cold, bring binoculars if you have them and also a torch.
Did you know; from towns and cities we see just a handful of stars, but in the Forest of Bowland we could count 2,000 at any one time!
Please book early – places are limited.
Tickets are priced at £15 for adults and £7.50 for children aged between 8 and 15.
The event is held at Beacon Fell visitor centre, meeting in the activity room before going outside to see the stars. The centre can be found on the South West corner of the fell, adjacent to the one way road around the hill, at the spot where there are car parks on both sides of the road.
To book, please visit https://gostargazing.co.uk/events/campaign-to-protect-rural-england-stargazing-at-beacon-fell/