Green Belt site protected as cosmetics factory application turned down
CPRE’s West Lancashire local group successfully supported local residents in objecting to the development of a cosmetics manufacturing site on Green Belt land in Pinfold.
While in favour of alternative uses of redundant farm buildings and development of sustainable businesses in rural areas to promote the rural economy, CPRE West Lancashire District Group and CPRE Lancashire supported Scarisbrick Parish Council and local residents in opposing this development.
We considered that a new building to manufacture cosmetics from imported chemicals was a step too far. The proposed building would have been two storeys in height with an approximate ridge height of 8.35m and eaves height of 6.13m. The site, which is depicted in the image above, is in the West Lancashire Green Belt on the rural fringe in Pinfold. The proposed new building would have been close to extant farm buildings and accessed by a narrow track. The location, adjacent to both a listed building and a conservation area, used much of the greenbelt site for a carpark. The applicant had previously been turned down for a wind turbine on the same small site.
West Lancashire branch members worked with local objectors advising them as to valid planning reasons why this was inappropriate and on ways to object effectively .
The planning officer agreed and considered the proposed development to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt which by definition causes harm to the Green Belt. The development would also cause harm to the openness of the Green Belt. The officer considered the very special circumstances put forward by the applicant to justify the development did not outweigh the harm to the Green Belt.
Our objections convinced the West Lancashire Borough Council Planning Committee to reject the proposal. The Applicants appealed this decision and to our delight the Planning Inspectorate refused the appeal and by doing so accepted our view that it was inappropriate development in a rural area.
Reference 2020/1092/FUL Full planning application for the erection of a building to house a cosmetic manufacturing facility at Vicarage Barn, Southport Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 8HQ.