Cuerdale Garden Village: CPRE’s view
Find out why CPRE strongly objects to the construction of Cuerdale Garden Village, a proposed 160-ha development in the Green Belt on land which is currently natural or under agricultural use.
CPRE supports a master planned approach and delivery of community infrastructure, in circumstances where development is justified and the location is appropriate in terms of sustainability criteria. However, there are a number of significant brownfield sites within the main settlements of Central Lancashire and neighbouring areas which should be developed in advance of a Garden Village.
The entirety of the site lies within the Green Belt, and this development would cause significant harm.
Local authorities in the Central Lancashire authorities have over-performed over the past three years, achieving 341% of the required dwellings, making it clear that there is no requirement to release Green Belt land for housing.
Despite the fact that the proposed Garden Village includes plans for sustainable technologies to enable a carbon neutral development in terms of building design, the location of the village in a rural location at distance from urban centres and facilities has the result of increasing dependence on cars.
At this stage, it is CPRE’s opinion that the negative impacts outweigh the benefits.
Download our full letter of objection below.
Objection to Cuerdale Garden Village proposal