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Simonswood waste incinerator would harm the Green Belt

27th April 2022

The proposed incinerator would harm the open character of the surrounding, relatively flat farm land which is designated as Green Belt

CPRE has put in a strong objection to the proposal to build an incinerator on Grade 1 and 2 (best and most versatile) farm land on a site in West Lancashire which adjoins the borough of Knowsley.

Not only would the construction harm the openness of the countryside, one of the five purposes of Green Belt, but there is potential for the Ravenshead Brickworks SSSI and rare farm bird populations and bats living close to the site to be affected both by increased HGV movements and the output of the incinerator.

Please download our full response below to see how the application in our opinion is contrary to a number of local and national planning criteria.

Download response


A copse by Brookfield Farm Ian Greig via Geograph