Sign the Buses for Every Community petition
Support the national CPRE Buses campaign by signing their petition asking for Buses for Every Community.
CPRE are aiming for 80,000 signatures on their Buses campaign petition and they are close! Help us reach that target by signing the national CPRE petition calling for the current Secretary of State for Transport, Mark Harper, to invest in a reliable bus service for every town and every village across England.
A bus for every village, every hour is possible
In 2021, CPRE revealed in an article that it is economically possible to offer a bus service for every village across England, every hour. The Every Village, Every Hour report, researched by CPRE and Transport for Quality of Life, calculated that England could achieve a reliable bus service for everyone, not unlike the service that Switzerland guarantees all its villages, by using some of the money set aside for the government’s road-building schemes.
Reconnect communities
Communities, in particular rural areas, are isolated without a regular bus service. It is a public transport with the potential to connect every community while reducing traffic and pollution. Work, amenities, social networks, and green spaces only become accessible if you are a car owner. A reliable bus service for every village and every town could not only reduce road congestion, but reconnect residents to work and training, a local high street, or social networks. In the image above, a bus trundles down Pendle Hill into the rural village of Downham, Lancashire. It sums up the welcome sight of community transportation that we want to see in every village like this. Since the pandemic and the experience of nationwide lockdowns, more people than ever before are aware of the painful situation of isolation from the rest of society. It’s time we pressed upon government changemakers the importance of helping our communities connect with each other.
Sign the buses petition
Sign the petition here, calling for a reliable bus service for every community. Thank you!