CPRE Releases Brownfield Land Register Toolkits
CPRE Lancashire has released three new Brownfield Toolkits, available to download from this website, to support communities in highlighting brownfield sites in their local area, both to reduce development pressure on the countryside and to encourage the regeneration of unsightly or derelict sites.
Communities tell us they are keen to prioritise the redevelopment of brownfield sites to prevent unnecessary loss of green space or other harmful development such as tree and hedgerow removal, or to remove neglected eyesores. Brownfield land is, broadly speaking, land that has previously been developed, as opposed to greenfield land, such as countryside, Green Belt, parkland or greenspace, which has never been built on. This toolkit aims to facilitate the redevelopment of brownfield land by helping people to tell their local council about brownfield sites that might be developed, and to get them included in their Brownfield Registers (and other Land Supply datasets).
How can we highlight brownfield sites?
Inclusion in the Register (or land supply dataset) should increase a site’s chances of being brought forward for development. More comprehensive information will enable better use of all available brownfield land, and reduce pressure on open green spaces. Research by CPRE suggests that brownfield sites, particularly smaller ones, are still being missed out of these lists, and previous research has also highlighted the difficulties faced by planning departments in identifying small sites and getting them built out. At the same time as Government is encouraging smaller developers and the use of smaller sites, austerity and resource constraints are make it harder for councils to get full, up-to-date intelligence about brownfield sites – especially smaller ones.
Community involvement essential
In order to increase the supply of brownfield land, increasing community participation in the process is essential. CPRE has developed the Toolkit to enable communities and planning departments to work together to maximise the potential for brownfield development in their areas. It has been road tested with communities and local planning officers and it should help communities make the best use of their on-the-ground knowledge to provide planners with the information they need.
There are three toolkits, a generic one applicable to all areas, and two further Toolkits tailored for the urban conurbations of the Greater Manchester and the Liverpool City Region. We trust you find the Toolkits of value, please contact jackie.copley@cprelancashire.org.uk with any enquiries.