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Stockport and Tameside proposed Green Belt developments unjustified

8th February 2022

CPRE supports local residents in Bredbury and Godley Green who are opposing proposals to develop the Green Belt

We are currently objecting to two developments proposed in the Green Belt of Stockport and Tameside.


Developers are appealing Stockport Council’s refusal of its application to develop 90,000 m2 employment space as an extension to Bredbury Industrial Estate on the Stockport Tameside border. Stockport Council is defending its decision and Andrew Gwynne MP is leading residents’ objection with ‘Save Tame Valley’ group as the Rule 6 Party.

CPRE objected to Stockport and the appeal highlighting key issues relate to whether there is the need when considering the harms arising to Green Belt purpose of keeping land permanently open and other harms identified. The site is adjacent to the River Tame and it is popular for countryside walks and other recreation by people, especially since the Covid pandemic necessitated access to local greenspace. Traffic congestion is already a problem, and more development will increase HGVs in the area. The routing of traffic is constrained due to a low railway bridge. Local objectors are highlighting air pollution problems and the impacts on health, especially in school children. The children of Russell Scott Primary School have produced a video highlighting the reasons for local opposition to the development which can be viewed here:

Download pdfs below for more information:

Godley Green

CPRE is supportive of Ebenezer Howard inspired masterplanning to achieve sustainable development, however the justification to build in the Green Belt has not been robustly evidenced in this case.

CPRE thinks that up-to-date Office of National Statistics data should inform the housing requirement being planned and not the out-of-date 2014 data mandated by Government, which is based on excessively high growth and distorts the housing figures. It is best practice to use reliable data. The Government is supporting the scheme and has committed £10m of Housing Infrastructure Fund. However, planning permission must be first approved for the development to proceed. The benefits and harms of the development must be weighed to understand if the overall balance is positive and if not the application should be refused.

CPRE considers there would be a significant extent of harm to Green Belt purpose of checking sprawl, stopping the merger of Hattersley and Hyde and the safeguarding of the countryside from encroachment. Also, a key aim of Tameside Council and that of Greater Manchester Combined Authority is to pursue a brownfield preference, reusing brownfield land in advance of bulldozing our dwindling farm fields. This site has been proposed by developers for inclusion in the ‘Places for Everyone’ spatial plan, which is due to be submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination, however is hotly contested by local people.

CPRE also highlighted problems for ecology and the impact of development on natural habitats and on the landscape character. Our greenspaces are highly valued and should not be easily allowed for development.

Download our objection below:

CPRE Lancashire objection to Godley Green

Save Godley Green protestors Gerald England